
This website has been prepared by Minor Hotels for the purpose of providing an outline of letting options for investor owners of Queen’s Wharf Residences. To the extent permitted by law, Minor Hotels and its associated and related entities (“Minor Hotels”) make no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document.

Where this website contains forward-looking statements, forecasts, estimates, or projections (“Forward Statements”), such Forward Statements are estimates only and based on assumptions made by Minor Hotels. Minor Hotels does not guarantee that any Forward Statements will be achieved, will prove to be correct, or that the assumptions underlying the Forward Statements are reasonable or accurate.

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Minor Hotels does not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice, and nothing in this document should be construed as such. Recipients should consult their own tax, accounting, legal, and other professional advisers regarding any matters or transactions described in this website.

This website does not constitute a binding agreement to enter into any transaction described herein. Minor Hotels confirms that it does not intend to be legally bound to any transaction until satisfactory legal documentation has been negotiated and executed by all relevant parties.

All information in this website is protected by copyright, and all intellectual property rights remain the exclusive property of Minor Hotels.